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Product Page – Social Media Share Icons


Web DesignOnline Shop DesignSocial MediaSocial Media Sharing


eshopland ecommerce platform is equipped with comprehensive web design features that are user-friendly, enabling any merchants to design personalized and professional online shop effortlessly. Merchants can customize the design of social media sharing icons on product pages to align with ones’ business operational needs.


1.     The Product Page Style


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages, click “Products” to enter the page.


The “Products” page is automatically generated by the system.



Scroll down to Single Product session,

Click “Product Page Style” to enter the Single Product Design setup page.



2.    The Product Page Style Tools


One the left is the toolbar for designing the Single Product Page.

The product page design tool uses “preview design” approach, allowing you to preview the design effects in real-time.


The design style will be applied to all single product pages.



3.    “Share” Icons Design



Set the “Share” icons to “Multicolor”.

The color modifications will not affect other social media icons; these icons will retain their original colors.




When you set the color of the “Share” icons to “Monochrome”; the settings will be applied to all share icons.



4.    “Share” Icons Display


Merchants can select the social media sharing icons you wish to display.

Enabled   social media icons will be displayed on all product pages.



5.    Apply the Settings


When finished setup, Save https://support.eshopland.com the settings.


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FB・IG 直播・直播自動接單
eshopland 網店平台-「接受缺貨訂單」、「預購」、「無限庫存」功能
eshopland 網店平台-完善雲端訂單管理系統
eshopland 網店平台-會員積分獎賞 points rewards,電子禮券 e-coupons「購物金」
eshopland 網店平台-社交媒體店主也應該開網店
eshopland 網店平台-社交媒體店主善用網店賺更多
eshopland 網店平台-連每一個細節位,都可以任您自主設計
eshopland 網店平台範本-Mu

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